Source Code Ludum Dare 39
class Barrel : ZilchComponent
var BullitArchetype : Archetype = Archetype.Bad;
var Shoot : Real = 2.0;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
if (this.Shoot > 0)
this.Shoot = this.Shoot - event.Dt;
else if (this.Shoot <= 0)
this.Space.CreateAtPosition(this.BullitArchetype, this.Owner.Transform.WorldTranslation);
this.Shoot = 1.5;
class Bullit : ZilchComponent
var Speed : Real = 7.0;
var ShootingDistance : Real = 5.0;
var Player : Cog = null;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
this.Player = this.Space.FindObjectByName("Player");
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
if(this.Player != null)
var vec = Math.Normalize(this.Player.Transform.Translation - this.Owner.Transform.Translation);
var dist = Math.Distance(this.Player.Transform.Translation, this.Owner.Transform.Translation);
this.Owner.RigidBody.Velocity = this.Speed * vec;
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
var otherObject = event.OtherObject;
if (otherObject.Name == "Ground" || otherObject.Name == "Player")
class CameraLogic : ZilchComponent
var TargetObjectCogPath : CogPath = null;
var TargetObject : Cog = null;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
this.TargetObject = this.TargetObjectCogPath.Cog;
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
// create a new variable to hold the player's position
var newCameraPos = this.TargetObject.Transform.Translation;
// save the camera's z value
newCameraPos.Z = this.Owner.Transform.Translation.Z;
// set the camera's new position to newCameraPos
this.Owner.Transform.LocalTranslation = newCameraPos - Real3(0,0,0);
class EnemyMovement : ZilchComponent
var Transform : Transform;
//Player speed
var Speed : Real = 0.1;
//Player Jump
var MaxJumpHeight : Real = 0.75;
var LockX : Real;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
this.LockX = this.Owner.Transform.Translation.X;
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
if (this.Owner.Transform.Translation.X != this.LockX)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation.X = this.LockX;
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = Real3(this.LockX, this.Owner.Transform.Translation.Y, this.Owner.Transform.Translation.Z);
if (this.MaxJumpHeight > 0)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation + Real3(0,this.Speed,0);
this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight - event.Dt;
if (this.MaxJumpHeight >= 0.25)
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,1);
else if (this.MaxJumpHeight <= 0)
//this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight + 1.5;
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Ground")
this.MaxJumpHeight = 0.75;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
this.MaxJumpHeight = 0.75;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
class InfinityEffect : ZilchComponent
var Test : Boolean = true;
var Timer : Real = 0.5;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
var loc = this.Owner.Transform.Translation;
/*if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsPressed(Keys.Space))
if(this.Timer >= 0.0)
this.Timer -= event.Dt;
//Rounds the timer to the second decimal place
this.Timer = Math.Round(this.Timer, -2);
var moveSeq = Action.Sequence(this.Owner.Actions);
if (this.Test == false && this.Timer <= 0)
this.Timer = this.Timer + 0.5;
Action.Property(moveSeq, @this.Owner.Transform.Translation,
Real3(loc.X, loc.Y - 0.2, loc.Z), 0.5, Ease.QuadInOut);
this.Test = true;
if (this.Test == true && this.Timer <= 0)
this.Test = false;
this.Timer = this.Timer + 0.5;
Action.Property(moveSeq, @this.Owner.Transform.Translation,
Real3(loc.X, loc.Y + 0.2, loc.Z), 0.5, Ease.QuadInOut);
class LevelVars : ZilchComponent
var PlayerPosition : Real3 = Real3();
class LogoScript : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("MenuLevel");
var Rock : Boolean = false;
var LogoCrackSprite : SpriteSource = null;
var Timer : Real = 0.0;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
var otherObject = event.OtherObject;
if (otherObject.Name == "RockSprite")
this.Rock = true;
this.Owner.Sprite.SpriteSource = this.LogoCrackSprite;
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsPressed(Keys.Space))
if(this.Timer > 0.0 && this.Rock == true)
//Subtracts Dt (passage of time each frame) from Timer so that it counts down to 0
this.Timer -= event.Dt;
//Rounds the timer to the second decimal place
this.Timer = Math.Round(this.Timer, -2);
else if (this.Timer == 0.0 && this.Rock == true)
//var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("StartMenu");
class MenuUI : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level1");
var CreditsPath : CogPath = null;
var Det : Boolean = false;
var Exit : Boolean = false;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
// Connections to the needed Mouse events (Enter, Exit, Up, Down)
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.MouseEnter, this.OnMouseEnter);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.MouseExit, this.OnMouseExit);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.MouseUp, this.OnMouseUp);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.MouseDown, this.OnMouseDown);
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
if (this.Det == false)
if (this.CreditsPath.Cog != null)
var moveSeq = Action.Sequence(this.CreditsPath.Cog.Actions);
Action.Property(moveSeq, @this.CreditsPath.Cog.Transform.Translation,
Real3(75, -8.5, 0.15), 0.1, Ease.QuadInOut);
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(0.3,0.3,0.7,1);
this.Owner.SpriteText.Color = Real4(0.7,0.7,0.7,1);
function OnMouseEnter(event : ViewportMouseEvent)
this.Det = true;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(0.7,0.3,0.3,1);
this.Owner.SpriteText.Color = Real4(1,1,1,1);
function OnMouseExit(event : ViewportMouseEvent)
this.Det = false;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(0.3,0.3,0.7,1);
this.Owner.SpriteText.Color = Real4(0.7,0.7,0.7,1);
function OnMouseDown(event : ViewportMouseEvent)
if (this.Exit == false)
if (this.Owner.Name == "Play" )
if (this.Owner.Name == "Credits")
var moveSeq = Action.Sequence(this.CreditsPath.Cog.Actions);
Action.Property(moveSeq, @this.CreditsPath.Cog.Transform.Translation,
Real3(8, -8.5, 0.15),1.5, Ease.QuadInOut);
if (this.Owner.Name == "Exit")
// Responds to the mouse releasing a button
function OnMouseUp(event : ViewportMouseEvent)
function OnGameRequestQuit(event : GameEvent)
event.Handled = true;
if (this.Exit)
//this.BlurScreenPath.Cog.Transform.Translation = Real3(-100.0,0.0,0.0);
this.Exit = false;
this.Exit = true;
//this.BlurScreenPath.Cog.Transform.Translation = Real3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
class Movement : ZilchComponent
var DebugMode : Boolean = false;
var Transform : Transform;
//Player speed
var Speed : Real = 0.1;
//Player Jump
var MaxJumpHeight : Real = 1.0;
var HitTimer : Real = 1;
var PE : Boolean = true;
var Charge : Boolean = false;
var Bad : Boolean = false;
var Ground : Boolean = false;
var DebugPath : CogPath = null;
var Local : Real3;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
this.Local = this.Owner.Transform.Translation;
this.Space.LevelSettings.LevelVars.PlayerPosition = this.Owner.Transform.Translation;
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionEnded, this.OnCollisionEnded);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
/*if (this.MaxJumpHeight >= 1)
this.Owner.Children.Current.SphericalParticleEmitter.Active = true;
this.Owner.Children.Current.SphericalParticleEmitter.Active = false;
if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.Control) && Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsPressed(Keys.D))
if (this.DebugMode)
this.DebugMode = false;
else if (this.DebugMode == false)
this.DebugMode = true;
//this.DebugPath.Cog.SpriteText.Visible = this.DebugMode;
//this.DebugPath.Cog.SpriteText.Text = "Power: `this.MaxJumpHeight`";
if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.D) && this.Bad == false)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation + Real3(this.Speed,0,0);
else if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.D) && this.Bad)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation - Real3(this.Speed * 15,0,0);
if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.A) && this.Bad == false)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation - Real3(this.Speed,0,0);
else if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.A) && this.Bad)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation + Real3(this.Speed * 15,0,0);
if (this.MaxJumpHeight < 0.2466)
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Local;
this.MaxJumpHeight = 1;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
if (this.MaxJumpHeight > 1)
this.MaxJumpHeight = 1;
if (Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.Space) && this.Ground && this.MaxJumpHeight > 0.25)
this.Ground = false;
//Hit timer
if (this.HitTimer > 0 && this.Bad)
this.HitTimer = this.HitTimer - event.Dt;
else if (this.HitTimer <= 0)
this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.15;
this.HitTimer = 1;
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
this.Owner.Children.Current.SpriteParticleSystem.Tint = this.Owner.Sprite.Color;
//Charge up
if (this.MaxJumpHeight < 1 && this.Charge)
//this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation + Real3(0,this.Speed,0);
this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight + event.Dt / 2.5;
if (this.MaxJumpHeight < 1)
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
if (this.MaxJumpHeight > 0.25 && Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(Keys.Space))
this.Owner.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.Transform.Translation + Real3(0,this.Speed * 1.3,0);
this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight - event.Dt / 5;
if (this.MaxJumpHeight >= 0.25)
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
else if (this.MaxJumpHeight <= 0)
//this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight + 1.5;
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Ground")
this.Ground = true;
/*this.MaxJumpHeight = 0.75;
if (this.MaxJumpHeight >= 0.22)
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.1,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.1,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Bad" )
this.MaxJumpHeight = this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.15;
this.Bad = true;
//update player color
//if (this.MaxJumpHeight >= 0.25)
this.Owner.Sprite.Color = Real4(this.MaxJumpHeight - 0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight -0.25,this.MaxJumpHeight,1);
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Charge" )
this.Charge = true;
if (this.MaxJumpHeight < 1)
function OnCollisionEnded(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Charge" )
this.Charge = false;
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Bad" )
this.Bad = false;
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Ground" )
this.Ground = false;
class NextLevel1 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level2");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel2 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level3");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel3 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level4");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel4 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level5");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel6 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level7");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel7 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("Level8");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class NextLevel8 : ZilchComponent
var StartScreen: Level = Level.Find("MenuLevel");
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
//Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
Zero.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
if (event.OtherObject.Name == "Player")
class PersistentSound : ZilchComponent
var BackgroundMenuMusic : SoundCue;
var BackgroundGameMusic : SoundCue;
var BackgroundMusicSpaceArch : Archetype;
var MusicLevel : Level = null;
var BackgroundMenuMusicSpace : Space;
var BackgroundGameMusicSpace : Space;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LevelStarted, this.OnLevelStarted);
function OnLevelStarted(event : GameEvent)
if(event.LevelName == "GameLevel")
if(this.BackgroundMenuMusicSpace != null)
if(this.BackgroundGameMusicSpace != null)
Console.WriteLine("You almost created the same space twice!");
this.BackgroundGameMusicSpace = this.GameSession.CreateSpace(this.BackgroundMusicSpaceArch);
else if(event.LevelName == "MenuLevel")
if(this.BackgroundGameMusicSpace != null)
if(this.BackgroundMenuMusicSpace == null)
this.BackgroundMenuMusicSpace = this.GameSession.CreateSpace(this.BackgroundMusicSpaceArch);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
class RkeyReset : ZilchComponent
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
var player = this.Space.FindObjectByName("Player");
// Reset the player when R is pressed
if(Zero.Keyboard.KeyIsPressed(Keys.R) || player == null)
if(player != null)
player.Transform.Translation = this.Owner.LevelVars.PlayerPosition;
class Shooter : ZilchComponent
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zero.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
var player = this.Space.FindObjectByName ("Player");
this.Owner.Orientation.LookAtPoint (player.Transform.Translation);
Get MagneCube
Ludum Dare 39 [Compo]
Status | Released |
Author | justintime4u2bu |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | 2D, Ludum Dare 39 |
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